Networks and meeting places in the Borås region

There are many meeting places, networks and business associations in the Borås region. Here we have gathered those that are available to you, whether you are new to the region or have been established for a long time.

Borås viskan

Textile Fashion Center - a place for innovation and business development

The Textile Fashion Center has a number of independent activities that are united in a textile cluster. It is a collaboration between companies, research institutes, education, organizations that work for innovation and business development. 

The Textile Fashion Center is a place that stands out from other clusters through its unique environment and concept. It combines free thinking with high-level knowledge and research so that entrepreneurship can grow with confidence and authenticity. Three parties form the basis of the business, whose collaboration is referred to as "Triple helix". They are the City of Borås, the University of Borås and the entire business community in Sjuhärad. The basic idea is that creative processes are best carried out in interaction between the municipality and society, companies and academia - a successful concept that is known all over the world.

Science Park Borås - from idea to sustainable development

Science Park Borås' core business is the project arena where actors from academia/research, industry, public organisations and civil society meet. Science Park Borås provides the resources and processes needed to transform innovation into a social benefit. Science Park Borås channels the innovation system – from idea to sustainable development.

Science Park Borås creates even clearer synergies between the university, industry, and the municipality. With good opportunities for collaboration, outstanding research and creative, inspiring meeting places in the Textile Fashion Center, Science Park Borås will attract more companies to the Borås region and contribute to increased employment. Science Park Borås is an environment that consists of a close collaboration between the University of Borås, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Smart Textiles, Marketplace Borås and the Incubator in Borås. The main financiers are Vinnova, Region Västra Götaland and the EU. Science Park Borås is also financed by other research financiers.

We support entrepreneurs and innovators in technology, textiles and fashion with business development, from business idea to market establishment.

Our common goal is to contribute to a strong Swedish industry, to create growth and jobs.

 We promote innovation in the creative industry by making visible, strengthening and improving conditions for people and businesses.

Business associations in the Borås region

We have listed the entrepreneurs' associations by municipality, making it easy for those who are new to the region or long-established to find what they are looking for.

Attraktiva Toarp
Storgatan 1
516 31 Dalsjöfors
Peter Eklund
033-13 38 80

Borås City
Sven Eriksonsplatsen 3
503 38 Borås
Lisa Statham
0706-49 88 02

Borås Industri och Handelsklubb
Box 1730
501 17 Borås
Catrin Wirfalk
0735-95 95 08

Borås Näringsliv
Kanico AB
Viskastrandsgatan 1
506 30 Borås
Hanna Lassing

Centrumledning Knalleland
Bergslenagatan 45
506 30 Borås
Kristofer Granefelt
0703-17 73 21

Österlånggatan 40
503 37 Borås
Anna Liljenby
033-10 03 27

West Swedish Chamber of Commerce
Österlånggatan 40
503 37 Borås
Ove Lillestöl
033-20 62 43

Framtid Fristad
Fristad Bleck & Plåt AB
Trumslagare Blomgrens väg 8
51333 Fristad
Leif Andersson

Företagarna i Borås
Österlånggatan 69
503 37 Borås
Frank Hallberg
0701-80 80 70

Sandareds Företagsförening
Lisol Scandinavia
Box 197
503 08 Borås
Lars Hallams
033-13 22 70

Viareds företagsförening
Box 1286
501 12 Borås
Mikael Rosendahl
0702-53 19 69

Handel i Mark
Box 2117
511 02 Skene
Charlotte Berndtsson

Företagarna i Mark c/o Ekbergs Fönsterputs & Städ AB
Slättängsgatan 4
511 57 Kinna
Mathias Eriksson

Markföretagens intresseförening
Box 36
511 21 Kinna
Tom Månsson

Enterprising women in Mark
Björlandavägen 11
511 69 Sätila
Gill Lagerström Gustafsson
0301 424 42

Tomas Rydberg
0705 - 55 60 71

Kurt Frilén

Ann Hansson
0725 40 35 10

Företagarna Kind
Box 6002
Tina Hjorth Svensson
070-583 54 36

Tranemo Handel & Service
Box 140
514 23 Tranemo
Katarina Svensson
0325 - 700 65

LRF Tranemo
Tina Dahl
0705 22 92 02

Hantverkarnätverket i Tranemo
Morgan Oscarsson
0703 16 11 59

TRIVAB Trivselbygdens AB
C/O Everås
Stenhult Sjövik 1
512 60 Överlida
Christer Everås

SFF Svenljunga Företagarförening
Box 189
512 24 Svenljunga
Gösta Johansson

SKHS - Svenljunga Köping Handel och Service
Brogatan 6
512 50 Svenljunga
Charlotta Juntorp

Företagarna Kind
Box 6002
Thomas Gull
0325 100 30

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